Baby Quasar PLUS Skincare Therapy Device

Light therapy procedures were at one time only available in salons and at physician’s offices. Now the technology of using wave lengths of light for acne and anti aging is available for at home use with the Baby Quasar Blue and the Baby Quasar Red. The Baby Quasar Red is specifically designed for anti aging photo rejuvenation light therapy.

As we age our skin begins thinner and pigmented from the natural aging process, sun exposure and hormones. Using products such as face lift tape or a face lift in a bottle can be effective but are very short term. A laser face lift and liquid face lift can give great results but involve visits to a physician and can be very uncomfortable. The use of a quality light therapy device is a great alternative. baby quasar red The Baby Quasar Red is not cheap but once purchased it can be used over and over. In addition the procedure is not painful and can be done at your leisure in the privacy of your own home. The Baby Quasar Red device works by delivering light therapy to the dermis. This stimulates collagen so wrinkles are diminished, pores are refined, skin looks and feels smoother, spotting and pigmentation issues are reduced and the skin appears younger and healthier. The Baby Q can be used for all skin types and skin tones. It has been proven to be gentle and effective even on very sensitive skin. It is suggested that the Baby Quasar Red be used a couple times a week for about 20-40 minutes per treatment session for maximum results and then on an as needed basis. When used correctly on a consistent basis, the Baby Quasar Red can give beautiful, younger looking skin. Give it a try; [easyazon-link asin="B009XUKONG"]Baby Quasar PLUS Skincare Therapy Device[/easyazon-link]