The latest in scientific advances for skin tightening is the Pelleve radio frequency device. This is an in office procedure that uses radio waves to tighten and tone the skin.

This non-intrusive treatment tightens facial wrinkles diminishing their appearance and smoothing the dermis. Radio frequency energy stimulates the production of collagen in the inner layers of skin without damaging the dermis, so there is no downtime. The Pelleve non-surgical, wrinkle-reducing technique is painless; in fact, some people describe it as similar to a warm massage. No anesthetic is needed. Patients may experience some mild swelling, pinkness or redness that lasts from several hours to a day; however, very little discomfort is reported. Pelleve is used to treat mild to moderate facial wrinkles that are caused by aging. FDA approval was granted in 2009 for use on the face for the following: • Crow’s feet • Neck wrinkles • Under eye wrinkles • Wrinkles It is also used off label for the hands, neck and chest. While there isn’t a specific age range for this procedure, the Pelleve works ideally on middle-aged women and men with drooping skin, fine lines or wrinkles. It is best for individuals who have fair to light-colored skin. Though often referred to as the Pelleve laser. The Peleve is not a laser but is a radio frequency device that harnesses the power of radio waves. This radio frequency device is used on the face and neck to deliver heat to the deep layers of the skin. The heat stimulates contractions in the deep tissues to smooth out wrinkles producing not only smoother, tighter skin, but also the production of new collagen; this newly produced collagen results in firmer skin. The procedure is FDA approved and a safe, non-invasive process which gives you these immediate results: • Smoother skin • Fewer fine lines and wrinkles • Sagging skin tightened • Quick and painless treatment • Youthful appearance Though 2-3 treatments are recommended with maintenance touch ups, the areas worked on will look better after just one treatment of the Pelleve. There are also several advantages: • Lasts minimum of six months • Wrinkles reduced by 25 to 50 percent • No anesthesia • Can return home or to work right away • Removes years of sun and environmental damage • Accessible to small areas around eyes and nose • Skin improves over weeks and months Likely candidates for this technique are middle-aged men and women in need of skin tightening and wrinkle reduction. Additionally, people who are not ready for a facelift or those who have previously had a facelift but are not ready for another one may consider a Pelieve Laser. What else should someone know about this non-surgical procedure? • Treatments are performed 4-6 weeks apart; • Usually 2-3 treatments are given; • About 4-8 weeks are needed to see results; • Maintenance means having a treatment every one to two years to prevent aging; • It takes about 6 months to see full results. • Fees vary and are centered on factors such as environmental factors; age and severity of area to be treated; hereditary; smoker or drinker; patient’s age; exposure to sun, chemicals and environment. If you are in the market for a safe and effective wrinkle reduction procedure that is quick and painless, consider this new technique. Pelleve Laser may be just what the doctor ordered to combat aging. Contact your dermatologist or plastic surgeon for more information.