Category: Face Lift Without Surgery

  • Pelleve

    The latest in scientific advances for skin tightening is the Pelleve radio frequency device. This is an in office procedure that uses radio waves to tighten and tone the skin. This non-intrusive treatment tightens facial wrinkles diminishing their appearance and smoothing the dermis. Radio frequency energy stimulates the production of collagen in the inner layers…

  • Non Invasive Face Lift

    As you grow older, there’s really no question that your skin will begin to lose some of it’s firmness, and begin to sag a bit. How much of this you will experience depends on many factors, including genetics, environmental factors, and how well you’ve taken care of yourself. Although some sagging and wrinkles are normal,…

  • Stem Cell Face Lift

    Stem cells are big business in medical technology, and cosmetic procedures are no exception to the rule – there is a lot of interest in the development and application of the stem cell face lift. Setting aside all of the controversy with regards to attaining stem cells, they’re biologically amazing. Stem cells occur naturally within…

  • Instant Face Lift

    Looking for an instant face lift? Happily there are many things you can do to turn back the clock and look younger in minutes. Here are some of my top picks for an instant face lift. 1. Exfoliate Your skin. By removing dead skin cells with an exfoliant you will stimulate circulation and allow fresher…

  • Acupuncture Face Lift

    As word spreads about the acupuncture face lift, more and more consumers have been looking for information.  Billed as a non-invasive alternative to Botox injections or plastic surgery, an acupuncture facelift offers some pretty clear benefits over these more traditional cosmetic procedures, as well as some disadvantages. What is  an Acupuncture Face Lift? Acupuncture is…

  • Non Surgical Face Lift

    With the natural process of aging come some less than desirable changes in the skin. Modern day solutions are plentiful but the non surgical face lift has proven to be a popular way to go. Why? Well for one thing, the cost is a great deal cheaper than traditional face lifts (so we’ll leave those…

  • Liquid Face Lift

    What You Need to Know About the Liquid Face Lift It is inevitable that the face is going to change shape with time, as our skin begins to lose its natural elastin and collagen, allowing the facial features to sag with time. This loss of elasticity and volume in the face can also lead to…

  • Natural Face Lift

    Most face lift procedures are administered in a physician’s office, depending on the individual goals of the patient. These face lift procedures may also require injections or actual cutting and reshaping of the skin, which can be considered invasive and uncomfortable. A natural face lift is another alternative that you may consider, allowing you to…

  • Thermage Face Lift

    Do you desire tighter, firmer, younger looking skin but don’t want to go the surgical route? A thermage face lift procedure may be your best bet. It’s the only non-invasive procedure that helps tighten and better skin in just one treatment! How It Works In just 45 minutes to an hour and a half, a…

  • Laser Face Lift

    Celebrities aren’t the only ones making changes to their faces and fighting a good fight against the human aging process. The average woman or man can do the same without the use of surgery. The laser face lift is just one of the most commonly used methods to achieve smoother, more beautiful skin. How It…